This is not about TDI stero-types, its my show im makeing similar to TDI. 14 girls come to a Hotel and stays there for 5 weeks, yes the hotel is nice but when it comes to challenges its hard. the challenges are set up as one thats girly, one gothic, one sporty and so on.



Religion: Christian

Talent: Singing

Name: Pam

Religion: Athiest

Talent: song writing

Name: Jenny

Religion: Christian

Talent: Clarenet

Name: Fiona

Religion: She claims to have no religion and to just go wit whever.

Talent: Using smoke machines!

Name: Ashley

Religion: Buddhist

Talent: Electric Guitar

this is a prototype picture its not the official design.


Religion: Satanist (When she says she is christian its a lie)

Talent: Meracas

This is a prototype design not the official one.

Name: Autumn
Religion: Athiest
Talent: Acustic Guitar

Name: Layla

Religion: Agnostic

Talent:Back-up singing

Name: Caitlyn

Religion: Satanist

Talent: none known

Name: Kim


Talent: Dancing

 TDH Friendships Conflicts & Alliances

 Shanna-Caitlyn Friendship

 Layla-Autumn Friendship

 Kim-Fiona Friendship

 Sam-Pam Friendship

 Caitlyn-Autumn Conflict

 Pam-Sam Conflict

 Shanna-Caitlyn Conflict

 Kim-Everyone Conflict

 Fiona-Everyone Conflict

 Ashley-Everyone Conflict

 Jenny-Ashley Conflict

 Paula-Jenny-Ashley Alliance

 Layla-Autumn Alliance


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