
Bridgette lives on the western coast of Canada with her mother. She was born and raised on the (British Columbia, Canada) beaches. She is an only child. In Not Quite Famous, she states she can work at a surf shack after being eliminated, possibly stating she has worked at a surf board shop. She is on the honor roll at her school, and is on the school's swim team. She is known to have a few trophies for her surfing skills. She is mostly seen surfing, swimming, or anything that involves being in water. Sadly, when it comes to being on land, she can be a klutz. Some examples of it is her hitting Courtney with a light and crushing her violin, tripping and launching a ember near her team's tent and having it go a blaze, and on dozens of occasions accidentally hitting people with her surfboard and other blunt objects. Bridgette also volunteers at the local vet, and is splendid with animals. She has a lot of friends and the guys at her school can agree she's as pretty as a daisy. She is known to be a vegetarian, and does her best to take care of the earth. Her reason for entering the show was to spread the word of body surfing and love.

Bridgette originally thought she would be at a beach in the reality show she signed up for, and though there technically is a beach, they are in a lake setting rather than the ocean, which disappointed her, seeing as she brought all of her surfing gear with her. However, the first challenge was a cinch for Bridgette: diving off a steep cliff into a small area of safe water not infested with freshwater sharks. She is the first one to take on the challenge, and though her team ultimately loses the first challenge, she is safe from elimination. In Not Quite Famous, she volunteered to take part in the challenge - a talent contest - by showing off her ability to stand on her hands for twenty minutes. Courtney was unimpressed with the feat, thinking it was better suited for monkeys, but Bridgette ended up in the talent show after accidentally knocking out Courtney (and her violin), who was going to be in the contest after she had made a bet with the guys that she really could stand on her hands for such a long amount of time. Before the challenge, Bridgette ate too many chips, making her nauseous when she performed on stage and soon puked all over the stage and most of the audience. Embarrassed by the incident, she initially welcomed the idea of being sent home. However, due to Harold saving the competition, her team won and she was spared from elimination.


Cody is a short, scrawny, but yet strangely confident teenager who joined Total Drama Island in an attempt to "hang" with the cool kids and meet girls along the way. Cody thinks that he is one of the cool kids, even calling himself "the coolest-of-all-dudes-in-the-burbs". Despite what he thinks, Cody is cool in his own right and is considered a "geek" for his love of technology, although he is shown to be good at throwing objects because of his unique throwing techniques, including charging static electricity and giving the ball a boomerang effect and throwing a Frisbee across a pool like a stepping stone. Cody is also known to hate the hypoglycemic index in his diet (however, this have been mixed up with Harold's profile, as he mentions it on the show while Cody never does). Even though he is not considered "cool", Cody seems to know the "rules" of cool-dom (though he is not very good at executing them).

Cody is shown to be obsessed with impressing girls, but he is awkward and does poorly with them. Throughout Total Drama Island, Cody has been known for having an enormous crush on Gwen, often times coming in as an interference between her and Trent. In Up The Creek, he tried to make his move on Gwen by getting her as a canoe partner (she agreed only because Beth and Lindsay got to Trent first). During his attempts to win Gwen over, he reveals to her that he made a bet with Owen saying that if he got one of her bras that Owen would have to do all his dishes for the rest of the competition (something that landed him a number of blows from Gwen's paddle). During the challenge, Cody finally came to the conclusion that Gwen would never date him when he realized who she really liked. Cody then decided to set Gwen up with Trent (the guy she really liked). Cody told Trent all about Gwen and then traded places with Beth and Lindsay so that Gwen would have Trent as a canoe partner. This caused Gwen and Trent to become close and eventually become a couple.


Geoff loves to party and is known as the "neutral" guy by the campers because of his extremely easy-going and friendly nature. Along with Owen, Geoff is considered to be the nicest guy out of all the other competitors, essentially becoming the team arbiter. He has many brothers, who also enjoy to party (he is always shouting out to them from the show). Geoff is also a quarterback in football. He also has been Student council president at his school without even the need of a speech.

His best friends are DJ, Duncan, and Owen. In challenges that involve having a captain, he is usually nominated and tasks are usually well-handled under his watch. He has a major crush on Bridgette, but fails miserably when it comes to earning her affection (despite the fact that he hosts huge parties and has presumably met other girls). With the help of DJ, Geoff finally manages to hook up with Bridgette and they hang out quite a bit. Despite hooking up, Geoff is somewhat oblivious when it comes to choosing love (as he runs away from Bridgette right before their first kiss due to the fact that she has been sprayed by a skunk in Hide and Be Sneaky; the episode Bridgette was eliminated in). Despite his mistake, he makes it clear that he truly cares about Bridgette through some "breakdowns". He cries over Bridgette in the Confessional stall (but soon pulls through his loss with the help of his friends) and even draws a picture of Bridgette which he places on his hand made bike (he also names the bike Bridgette) in That's Off The Chain!.


Gwen joined Total Drama Island because her younger brother dared her to; she thought that it would humor him, so she signed up. Gwen is aggressively defensive. People think that she is a pessimist, which she isn't, but steadfastly refuses to be cheerful. Truly, Gwen is not a bitter person, but rather guarded and cautious about whom she lets in. When she was tethered to Geoff in Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon, she wound up revealing that she was never invited to a party and sometimes wishes that she could be a party girl (something that Geoff sensed and wished to help with). Gwen seems to give off the impression that she wants to join the crowd, but she is too cautious about who to let in and she could never fit right in, so she became a lone wolf who spends most of her time in solitude. Gwen is extremely smart, independent, level-headed, and is able to soar through challenges without much hesitation. This ability allows her to become Total Drama Island's runner-up.

Her experience on Total Drama Island seems to change her personality as she becomes a more outgoing person. In fact, for a so-called goth, she has befriended the majority of the campers on the show, moreso than most others have. She learns that there are people on the island who care about her, namely Trent (a fellow camper who seems to connect with Gwen and even wrote her a song). It is noted that he also has a crush on her. She has also received unwanted attention from Cody, but after he helped hook her up with Trent, she started to consider him a close friend. Geoff (who actually invited her to her first party) showed her friendliness by talking with her and listening to her problems. She also develops solid friendships with Bridgette and LeShawna. While Gwen treats her harshly at first, she grows to respect Lindsay, especially in I Triple Dog Dare You! where her dare ultimately resulted in her enemy, Heather, finally getting eliminated from the contest. Off-screen, it seems she has befriended Eva despite thinking she was a freak previously, as she is seen conversing with Eva casually during promos for the TDI special (not to mention Eva is one of the few who sided with Gwen in The Very Last Episode, Really!, even after Owen promised everyone a party if he were to win). She seems to be friendly with Harold (in Not Quite Famous, he helps her play a prank on Heather by loaning his red ant farm, and when he is voted off in X-treme Torture she is with the campers who wave goodbye to him), despite the fact that in The Big Sleep she tells him not to walk beside her (though this was very early on in the series). Gwen considers DJ, Bridgette, Trent, LeShawna, Owen, and Cody to be the few sane people on the island. She developed a friendly rivalry with Owen in the finals, admitting she would be happy to lose to him if she had to lose to anyone. And though they have had their differences, Gwen and Duncan share many common interests and have similar personalities. When Duncan was eliminated from the competition, they parted on good terms, admitting Duncan played the game well. By the next season, they have become close friends 


At first, when Heather learned where she was really spending her summer (which was a different location than what was advertised on the application form), she did everything in her power to get out of the competition immediately, but quickly found that under the fine print of the contract, she had no choice but to compete. She was extremely uncooperative in the first challenge, and almost instantly made enemies of LeShawna and Gwen, but just as quickly had Lindsay's unconditional support. She vowed to get revenge on LeShawna after she forced her to take part in the challenge, but insincerely apologized to her later on so she could get back at her later. Heather assured Lindsay that the two of them were friends ("for now").

Her first bold move was to make an alliance with Beth and Lindsay in The Big Sleep, promising the two that with her help, she would get them all into the final three. Heather chose these two in particular due to Lindsay's lack of intelligence and sheep-like mentality and Beth's desperation to become popular and accepted by the masses. With Heather giving off an air of a popular kind of girl, the girls quickly agreed to be part of the alliance. However, complications arise when Lindsay falls for Tyler - a member of the opposing team. Seeing that as a threat, Heather disallowed inter-team dating from the alliance. She continued to add on a list of rules that Beth and Lindsay strictly had to adhere to, or otherwise face getting kicked out of the alliance. Many of these rules, however, were unfair and basically allowed Heather to mold Beth and Lindsay in any way she wanted without having to give anything in return. In the same episode, Heather stole Eva's MP3 player, knowing full well how temperamental she was, and as she predicted, eventually caused Eva's entire team to turn against her and vote her off. Heather considered this a major victory for herself, as she single-handedly removed one of the biggest threats to her team early on in the competition. Later on, in addition to becoming captain of her own alliance, Heather took every opportunity to lead the Screaming Gophers team in general during challenges in spite of other campers questioning her integrity.


Izzy is soothed by the sounds of horror movie soundtracks. She says at one point that her IQ is 188, explaining her crazy personality. It is said that her entire family is insane as well (she seems to take pride in this). Izzy first arrives on the Island by smashing her chin on the edge of the Dock of Shame, though she admits she enjoyed it. Izzy was originally put on the Killer Bass team, but she offered to switch with Katie. She also seems to enjoy fire. She is known for her insane/stalker personality, and she speaks slightly faster than normal humans do. She also dislikes being rejected by those she stalks. She joined Total Drama Island by camping out on Chris's doorstep and refused to leave until he allowed her on. Chris allowed Izzy on, but she received a restraining order shortly after that would go into effect once the show was over. The restraining order will most likely be lifted because Chris admits on the TDI Rundown that he like how Izzy's insanity brought drama on the show; and therefore invited her back. She has a brother that is a mechanic, though he developed a fear of vehicles when he was run over. At a family reunion, she says her uncle tried to cut off his ear, mirroring Vincent Van Gogh. However he wimped out and only cut it off half way and it was hanging off his ear (it ended up in her salad). She was also the only Gopher camper not to get grossed out by Owen's bite mark on his rear end (she even enjoyed it). Izzy has shown many times that she does have a bad side, as she has been known to lie many times. She also was offered an alliance by Chef in Total Drama Action, but kicked him aside when she refused to split the money (she actually thinks that because of this, Chef rigged the acting challenge so that she would lose). Seeing as how she is on the run from the RCMP and seems to get into all kinds of trouble, it seems as though her family either doesn't pay any attention to her or they actually keep her away (though some of her stories may just be lies).


The moment that Justin was born, he was a vision of loveliness. He was a test tube baby and his mother paid handsomely for that test tube. Justin has always been a looker. As a child, old ladies tried to pinch his cheeks which led to him being a successful child model and hasn't stopped working since. His 5th grade teacher had to send him to the office every day so that the other kids could get some work done. Justin's bone structure is being studied by the Italian branch of the Center of Analysis for Breathtaking Features. He is a straight-A student, but his teachers must move him out of the class room so he will not distract the other students. Justin gets things for free because people are compelled to so he does not earn a living like other people. In the preview, he is considered the pretty boy. Justin likes gorgeous objects, or anything that matches him in terms of looks. He is also known for his killer charm. Justin joined TDI so he can donate his winnings to the “Unattractive-Looking People Wish Foundation”. Justin is a very handsome guy, has large washboard abs that he takes particular pride in, and is a highly accomplished and very successful male model and has became somewhat of a sex symbol; in fact, even sharks refuse to eat him due to his good looks. Many of the girls (even Eva [although he and Eva grow to hate each other] and possibly Owen) liked him, especially Katie and Sadie. Due to being kicked off so early, Justin was really a very minor character in the show with very little characterization. However, his full character comes to light in the special, where it is revealed that he is actually a liar and uses his power over women (and Owen) to get what he wants. He is also narcissistic and seems to give off the impression that he thinks nothing of those less hunky as him (as shown with Noah).  


Katie came to Total Drama Island with her BFFFL (Best Female Friend For Life), Sadie. Katie first met Sadie when they first became neighbors and were virtually inseparable ever since. Katie and Sadie are the only contestants whom knew each other before entering the competition. They joined Total Drama Island to become even better friends. Though she and Sadie are very similar in personality and interests, Katie seems to be the vain one of the two, which would be natural since Katie is much thinner and more attractive than Sadie. She also seems to have a bad sense of direction, which comes to haunt her later in the competition.

Katie and Sadie are not taken seriously by their fellow peers (most likely because of their bubbly personalities). Duncan labeled the duo "Tweedle Dumb" and "Tweedle Idiot". Katie was the 5th camper eliminated for getting herself and Sadie lost in the forest after being distracted by blueberries in The Sucky Outdoors. While trying to rejoin their teammates, Katie and Sadie experienced their first fight, but were able to make up. Due to being separated from the rest of the Killer Bass team, the two were late upon returning to the campground and caused the team to lose, despite the fact that the rest of the team reached the goal before the opposing team. It was very difficult for Katie and Sadie to part, but Katie suddenly matured in that instance and urged Sadie to press on for her, giving her encouragement that she is indeed a strong and beautiful woman who may possibly be smarter than her. The other Killer Bass campers likely picked Katie to leave over Sadie since she is the first one to come to mind (the two are always referred to as "Katie and Sadie", not the other way around), or perhaps the other campers were not sure which girl was Katie (it is mentioned later by Geoff, in Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon, that he couldn't remember which girl was which), or possibly for being the one who originally got the two separated from the rest of the team. Katie does return to the island briefly in Who Can You Trust? after Sadie is eliminated. She is already aboard the Boat of Losers to greet Sadie, and the two squeal happily upon being reunited.

It is mostly their fault for the elimination of LeShawna in Haut Camp-ture, saying it would be "fun" to have her on the resort (forgetting that this would mean that LeShawna would be out of the competition). Meanwhile, Chris Mclean tricks everyone into saying LeShawna's name multiple times until she was eliminated, because Chris counted the people saying her name as a vote. However, Katie did not intend for LeShawna to be eliminated on purpose. She also has a massive, unrequited crush on Justin along with Sadie.

During the TDI special, she and Sadie teamed up with Justin (but he abandoned them in a cave after getting irritated with their chattiness) and got into another feud with Sadie after arguing over who Justin liked the most (though in reality, he liked neither of them). They managed to make up while climbing up the diving board just before it broke after being chased by a moose. Though most people on the board were able to make it to the dock and qualify to compete in the next season, both Katie and Sadie fell into the tub below and were unable to get to the dock in time. Katie and Sadie seem content with this and look forward to watching the action from the sidelines.



She is considered the prettiest girl on the show, but Mother Nature made her as sharp as a frosted cupcake. She enjoys looking at herself in the mirror, trying on new outfits and hanging out with boys. She tries her best at the challenges and actually makes it far into the competition despite her naivety and sheep-like mentality, but she is lacking in physical endurance. She is afraid of bugs or anything that crawls. Although she can be a little self-absorbed, she tries to be a friend to everyone (even ugly girls, she claims, which is evident in her close friendship with Beth), even her enemies, though she's often unaware of their animosity. She is actually very athletic. She is MVP for her school's gymnastics team which makes her flexible and quick. She has a crush on Tyler, who also likes her back starting in Not So Happy Campers - Part 1. Their relationship quickly progressed to the point where they were making out by the fifth episode; much more quickly than any other relationship on the show. They hid their relationship from Heather and Courtney, both whom saw the relationship as a threat to their respective teams, though Heather was the only one who took action and actually injured Tyler multiple times for being near her alliance mate. 


Sadie and Katie are best female friends for life, (BFFFLs for short) dressing alike and spending all their time together since they were young children. They became best friends when they first met as next-door neighbors. Sadie loves Katie like a sister and becomes upset when being separated from her. While the duo are very similar in interests and personality, Sadie appears to be more logical than Katie and most likely has a better sense of direction, though unlike Katie, she does not have her drivers license. Sadie seems to be overshadowed by Katie for a portion of the series. Katie is thin, pretty and seemingly a little more independent, while Sadie is obese and much less independent than Katie. However, Sadie is forced to become more independent when Katie is eliminated early in the game and she is forced to go on without her. After Katie is voted off, Sadie is devastated (even breaking a piece of the dock off when she is dragged away).

Luckily, Sadie soon starts to become more independent from Katie becoming friends with Bridgette, Lindsay, and Harold. In the end, Sadie comes out of her shell and finds she is able to continue on and make her own choices even without Katie. She is even able to overcome her worst fear (bad haircuts) in Phobia Factor on her own (and perhaps with some moral support from Lindsay, who had to suffer the same challenge). Despite being called fat by her best friend, Sadie finds comfort when Lindsay comments on how pretty she is. However, she seems to attract some unwanted hate from Courtney after she shot her in the face a few times when being blindfolded (as this was part of the challenge) in Who Can You Trust?. Sadie's small, accidental mishap resulted in her being eliminated in this episode. It was not a complete loss for Sadie, as Katie was there to greet her on the Boat of Losers and instantly improved Sadie's mood. They reunited with a hug, squealing happily into the night. 


Trent is a casual musician who tends to get along with everyone. When Trent is not working on his music, he is seen working on motorcycles (though he never made it to the motorbike challenge in That's Off the Chain!). His dream is to one day have his own motorcycle shop, although his father wishes for him to become an accountant, to which Trent is vehemently against.

Trent's musical skills impress several campers, as he was chosen for the talent contest in Not Quite Famous. He ended up getting the second-highest score after Harold, but could not win for his team. Afterwards, Trent became somewhat of a pain magnet in the midst of the series as he fell victim to quicksand traps, sustained concussions, became severely poisoned, and broke nearly every bone in his body in the challenges. Even after becoming severely injured, Trent more-or-less retained his calm and collected attitude. After the teams dissolved and Trent moved in to the boys' cabin (mostly composed of men from the opposing team), he was warmly welcomed to the brotherhood and was helped out whenever he had difficulty with a challenge, such as eating disgusting meals when he had a weak stomach. Despite Trent being notoriously unlucky, he has been known to be clever in challenges as well. He managed to conquer his fear of mimes in Phobia Factor by jumping into water and telling the mime his make-up would run if he followed, and he also managed to obtain his key with ease in Search And Do Not Destroy when he distracted a herd of sharks with meat in order to swim to where he needed to be.


Courtney considers herself a born leader, quickly taking the reins of the Killer Bass leader very the team until she is eliminated, and unlike the Screaming Gophers, her leadership is not as controversial or questionable as Heather's leadership of the Screaming Gophers. Although she is extremely bossy, competitive, and critical, she can also be genuinely civil and polite to her fellow campers, and unlike Heather, does not resort to forming alliances and underhanded scheming to make a scapegoat out of a camper. Being an overachiever, she does have a tendency to overreact when things go wrong and often reminds everyone of her C.I.T. (Counselor In Training) experience when the others begin to question her judgment. Her greatest fear is green Jelly because it looks like edible mucus, though before this was revealed, she insisted that she was not afraid of anything.

She encouraged Duncan to overcome his fear of Celine Dion music store standees. As her turn comes, she did not overcome it which made her team lose the challenge. During the first challenge, she is one of the three people who refused to jump off the cliff into shark-infested water, saying her refusal to do the challenge is a calculated risk as she underestimates the Screaming Gopher team, assuming most of them will be too afraid to jump, thus giving her team the win. However, because she refused to jump, she was forced to wear a chicken hat for the entire day (along with fellow camper DJ, who has a fear of heights). Courtney is stricken with bad luck with the first challenge; she gets a swollen eye due to an allergic reaction to a bee sting and despite her leadership skills, her team fails to properly build a hot tub. Afterwards, the other Killer Bass members considered voting her off due to her attitude and refusal to jump off the cliff, finding DJ (the other one who did not jump) as more of an asset to the team in future challenges. However, Courtney is saved due to Ezekiel making some sexist comments about his fellow female team members and picking his nose in public, which results in him getting eliminated instead. Courtney manages to play the game well afterwards (even befriending Bridgette and some others). Courtney has a talent for playing the violin (though her level of expertise with the instrument is never seen due to Bridgette's accidental clumsiness crushing the violin). Overall, Courtney is typically overconfident who overestimates her abilities and underestimates the others', even her own teammates (especially Harold, whom she rarely gives a chance to participate in challenges despite the fact that he was the one who earned the Killer Bass' first two wins). 


She is a talented athlete and is the star player on her high school field hockey team. She loves kickboxing and has been taking lessons since she was 3 years old. She holds the world record for the Highest Jumping Roundhouse Kick by a 5 year-old. Her only issue is her temper, which can go off by just simply looking at her funny. It is implied that she lacks a sense of humor, as she rarely smiles. She is generally feared by other campers. The guys at her school would not dare to challenge her at anything (presumably because they are too afraid of her). She joined the show to help her curb her temper and become a better leader.

Sadly for Eva, she was the second camper of twenty-two voted off after Heather picked up her MP3 player when she dropped it at the campfire pit while going to the bathroom. Eva thought someone had stolen it and her temper skyrocketed. She threw at least 4 suitcases out the cabin window in a rage trying to find her cherished MP3 player. Her little outburst convinced the team she had to go, even after she apologized for her actions. However, it was Heather who planned to get Eva's team to turn on her by using the MP3 player as bait. Heather (along with several other campers) recognized Eva for her strength and fierceness, and was considered early on the strongest physical competitor of the Killer Bass team, which Courtney soon came to regret during the next episode's challenge, which required a competitor of Eva's caliber to win, which they now lacked. Eva herself knows she was the fiercest competitor, and while riding the Boat of Losers to Playa Des Losers, she hoped her team would soon realize the mistake they had made. Regardless, she saw everyone from the Killer Bass team as backstabbing traitors from then on; she would not realize Heather orchestrated her early elimination until much later on. 


Beth was born and raised on a farm, and is a very kind and loving person, who loves her parents. Since the closest thing to another child around her was a pig, she never really developed social skills. She does anything for attention, but she often gets it from doing something very embarrassing. Her naivety and clueless nature is why she was picked for Total Drama Island.

In the beginning, Heather tricked Beth into an alliance by saying that she, Beth and Lindsay will make it into the final three if they join her, with both Beth and Lindsay completely oblivious that they were only being used to get Heather further in the game. In Phobia Factor, she reveals her fear of being covered in bugs to the other campers. The challenge then required Beth to face her fear first among the campers, and dive into an inflatable pool filled with worms. When Beth saw her challenge, she simply shrugged it off and dived straight in. Chris commented that Beth set the bar way high.


He participated in Total Drama Island to raise money to help his mother move back to Jamaica. DJ gets along with virtually everyone, but his best friends at the camp are clearly Owen, Duncan and Geoff. He was one of the three people to have to wear the Chicken Hat in the first episode (the others were Courtney and Beth) and he was the only male camper to wear it. DJ has a fear of water (and heights) after a horrifying incident where he had a wedgie so shoved up his rear that he had to go to the hospital to get it removed. Geoff, however, helped him conquer this fear after DJ gave him advice on how to get Bridgette's attention, which proved helpful as the incident is what allowed DJ to push his team to victory in the canoe challenge.

DJ is very kind towards animals and made friends with a bunny in The Sucky Outdoors, which he quickly grew attached to. However, it was eaten by a snake in Who Can You Trust? due to Geoff's carelessness. Duncan found him a new bunny, expressing how Duncan had lost his dog after it ran away when he was a child. He did not want DJ to go through the same ordeal, expressing his warm and caring spirit, although he kept that sentiment well-hidden from DJ; so far, only Courtney, LeShawna, and Bridgette seem to know of Duncan's true intentions. Despite being kindhearted, DJ does join Geoff and Duncan in playing pranks against Harold (although they are really just trying to teach him a lesson about leaving his underwear out in the cabin); however, DJ is not as active in pranking Harold as Duncan and Geoff are.

DJ is terrified of horror movies, to the point where he is very unstable during the Psycho Killer challenge and freaks out upon seeing Heather's make-up mask (an event that leads to his elimination). DJ does not have a romantic relationship with anyone on the island. Regardless, he seems to know a lot about picking up girls and romance in general. DJ was the one who set up Geoff with Bridgette (pushing him in and pulling him out of her way whenever he started to screw up). According to Duncan, DJ also seemed to be getting fresh with the massage ladies on the boys' special cruise vacation. DJ himself is said to be "a good friend and an excellent kisser". 


Duncan is a punk juvenile delinquent who comes from a long line of policemen and policewomen. His dad is a cop. His mom is a cop. His uncle, aunt, grandma, and cousins are cops. He is easily angered and sometimes antagonistic towards the other members of the Killer Bass, especially Harold. He knows many tactics from his time spent in juvenile detention centers. He can carve a picture of a skull into a tree trunk and lift great amounts of weight (such as Owen who is about twice his size). He's a sarcastic kind of person, flirting with Heather (despite his dislike of Heather) and making fun of Courtney whenever she gets near him (he also makes gestures that he scored some chicks on the boat cruise weekend he spent with the other boys). He gave Courtney the pet name 'princess'. Duncan loves to break rules (or the ones he "wants to"), he seems to break many rules on the island possibly because he hates it and wants to make it more interesting.  


Ezekiel was a spelling bee champion and got his first butt injury when the finalists kicked him in the backside too many times, as revealed on Total Drama Island Interactive. Not much else is known about him, as he was the first camper voted off in Total Drama Island. He was voted off because of his sexist comments about women and because he was caught picking his nose.

He is seen much later at Playa Des Losers in Haut Camp-ture with a gold chain with a Z (he possibly has given himself a nickname based on this, such as "Zeke" or "Big Z," given his attempt to "get with the times," so to speak) on it and seems to have fit in with the other campers. He is also seen trying to get close to Bridgette twice when they are both at the "loser lounge," only to be rejected by her. This might be a hint that he may have a crush on her, though he probably blew his chances with her early on, seeing as how she was, in fact, the first female camper to get mad about his sexist comments. He seems to have become friends with Trent,

as hinted when he is hanging near Trent in a pool chair. When Trent gives Harold food, Ezekiel asks Trent why he was helping a traitor. It is debatable what he meant by "traitor" (most likely he is referring to Harold being the one who tampered with the votes to eliminate one of his own team members). Being home-schooled all his life, he never knew that his comments were sexist, as he mentioned that it was his father who told him to look after the women, thus he never knew better.

Luckily, Ezekiel reformed by Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island! after teaming up with Lindsay and Beth. He genuinely got along with them, making a point to compliment Lindsay on her "strategizing" at one point. The three of them worked together to find the case. Beth and Lindsay managed to make it to the dock and become eligible to compete on Total Drama Action, but Ezekiel could not join them since Justin's parachute blocked his way to the dock.



Harold is a rather tall red-head who wears glasses, sports a goatee, and is deemed awkward. Although he is mostly called a nerd, he is unaffected by outside influence and considers himself a loner by choice. He has had some outdoor skills due to being a scout. He also took figure skating lessons. Harold highly resembles Napoleon Dynamite in the way that he talks, saying "Awesome", "Gosh!", and "Idiots!", and in his appearance.

Harold eliminates Courtney... personally.
Harold eliminates Courtney... personally.

Harold has shown to be the underdog of the Killer Bass, although he has proved on many occasions that he is able to save his team when they are suffering in certain challenges. The first occasion was in Dodgebrawl when he was the only person left on his team and caught Owen's ball, winning the point for his team and their first win overall. One episode later, he used his beatboxing skills to score perfectly on the Chef-O-Meter in the talent contest, earning another win for the Killer Bass.At the end of Not Quite Famous, Gwen asks him about his red ant farm and later dumps it into Heather's bed. It is appropriate that Harold has been labeled the underdog, since his most significant victories are ones he earned in situations where the odds were heavily stacked against him. Although he is afraid of ninjas, he showed no fear when he was forced to face his phobia in person while he was in the bathroom in Phobia Factor. Had he not accidentally knocked himself unconscious with his nunchaku, he likely would have faced his fear successfully. 


LeShawna joined to show anyone can win if they give it their all and to be a role model for kids on the street. She has said that has lived her entire life in "the Projects", and shows a strong sense of street smarts. Her best friends are Gwen and Bridgette, but she generally gets along with everyone on the island with a few notable exceptions. LeShawna dislikes anyone who gives her attitude or insults her weight and/or body structure. She is known for being outspoken (Harold has described her as "real big and loud" upon first meeting her). She has a great fear of spiders. LeShawna may be loud, overconfident, and sometimes obnoxious; however, she puts herself in the "Big Sister" position and is always ready to help out a fellow camper in need. LeShawna is also bad-tempered (but is nowhere near as bad-tempered as Eva, despite having to be restrained at times just like her).

LeShawna faces her mortal enemy.
LeShawna faces her mortal enemy.

In spite of her somewhat intimidating personality, LeShawna is a good-hearted person and a very good friend. She is always there to defend the other campers (namely Beth, Gwen, and Bridgette) when they are being picked on and is willing to listen to their problems. She was even willing to stand up to the raging Eva, while the others remained terrified of her. LeShawna also is willing to pull "revenge" pranks on people who bully others, such as Heather. LeShawna extremely hates Heather because of the way she picks on and deceives the other campers, her superiority complex, and above all for her snobbery that often threatens the safety of the team. She also dislikes Noah for his similarly snobbish attitude and unwillingness to help anyone, even calling him a disrespectful turkey when he was voted off, although she and Noah showed no signs of hating each other after Noah was voted off (and Noah has admired her cunningness when she locked Heather in a freezer in If You Can't Take The Heat... despite Noah's hatred towards LeShawna).

LeShawna gets annoyed when Heather starts bossing everyone around in the cooking challenge.
LeShawna gets annoyed when Heather starts bossing everyone around in the cooking challenge.

She has tried to get Heather voted off the island numerous times, particularly when she sabotaged Gwen's relationship with Trent (leaving Gwen in tears). LeShawna proves throughout the competition that she is more then just a big talker; she is a winner and one of the fiercest competitors on the show. LeShawna was able to win the first solo-Invincibility in the Wheel of Misfortune challenge by defeating a log rolling bear, (successfully defeating a returning Eva and getting her eliminated again). LeShawna won her own trailer, which Chris destroyed with his pirate cannon in the next episode, Search And Do Not Destroy



Like Heather, Noah seems to have a superiority complex and looks down on others. He harbors a dislike towards LeShawna for calling him a disrespectful turkey when he was voted off (something he did not enjoy hearing from her). However, in Haut Camp-ture, he admitted that he preferred LeShawna over Gwen and Duncan because of her ingenious strategy of locking Heather in the freezer in If You Can't Take The Heat.... He cheered for Owen in the final episode.

A rude awakening with Noah and Cody
A rude awakening with Noah and Cody

In The Big Sleep, he accidentally kissed Cody on the ear in his sleep (an event that the other campers have constantly teased him about). He refuses to comment about the incident, and frequently denies that it ever happened until he was proved wrong. In the same episode Noah is seen running in first place at the 20k run, however, he later passes out due to lack of air and has to be rescued by Owen. Noah might not have fully passed out, because when the Gophers won the race, he is suddenly revived and cheers with his team.

Noah is eliminated in Dodgebrawl after insisting that he leave the challenges involving brawn to the rest of his team, and never even tries to compete in the challenge (even Gwen, who was extremely tired from the Big Sleep challenge, competes for her team). He sarcastically cheers for his team throughout the dodgeball competition, and the anger felt by the team after they lose is directed at Noah when he tells them that they put in a weak effort.

In the episode "Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island!" he teams up with with Izzy and Eva, more-or-less being civil with them most of the time (but admits in the Confessional stall that he finds Izzy to be off-kilter. He is somewhat sadistic, a trait most prominently shown in Haut Camp-Ture. He still showed this trait when Duncan was reeling in pain from a sprained ankle after Courtney abandoned him; Noah stood there and insulted Duncan to his face, thinking he was too helpless to retaliate, but Noah underestimated him and lost his pants as a result. He also did not hesitate to scold Eva for falling for Justin's charms when they were in possession of the case.

Noah and Eva getting commands from Izzy.
Noah and Eva getting commands from Izzy.

It is possible that Noah has played a part in helping Eva with her anger management, as he reminded her that crushing Justin's skull was a step too far. Eva accepted Noah's scolding as constructive criticism, rather than responding with rage as she normally would have in the past. At the end of the episode, he and Eva dump buckets of chum on Justin, who had just obtained the million-dollar case from Lindsay. Izzy then runs in and steals the case while Justin is distracted, but Noah and Eva do not have enough time to run to the dock and land in the lake to tie with the other campers, so he will not participate in Total Drama Action.

Noah returns to Total Drama Action as a guest on Total Drama Action Aftermath, along with the other eliminated contestants. Noah remains disdainful of others, but was shown to get along with the other campers during the events of TDA Aftermath.

Noah has a distinct dislike for Justin. This feud seems to have originated when Justin voted off Noah and later escalated during their stay in Playa Des Losers, possibly because of the characters' clashing personalities. The feud is shown in the special, when Noah calls Justin the "anti-me".


When he first arrives on the island, he is extremely excited to be there despite not being in the place that the application claimed he would be at. He joined the show because he thought it sounded cool, and he enjoys outhouses. He is always up for the challenges, but often ends up failing in humorous ways. As a running gag in the series, Owen is frequently naked, and/or passing wind. He is very optimistic, in contrast to Noah's pessimism and Eva's temper and non-smiling attitude, and does whatever it takes to help his team (even if they don't want it).

Besides his cheery disposition, Owen is mainly known for his obscene appetite. Over the course of the series, Owen has eaten many things people would otherwise consider disgusting, from garbage to toilet bowl seats. Instead of focusing on the competition near the end of the series in I Triple Dog Dare You, Owen instead harps on endlessly about his love for pancakes. In that same episode, he has (on a dare) eaten dog food and Harold's chewed gum. He is the only person who has little to no complaints about Chef Hatchet's abysmal cooking, often asking for seconds and eating whatever the other campers do not finish. He has even complimented Chef's meals on rare occasions. In Brunch of Disgustingness, Owen claims he would literally eat anything, even his own drawers if he had to. And it was Owen's willingness to eat anything that ultimately won him and his all-guys team the challenge of that episode: a weekend on a luxury yacht. It is shown one episode later that Owen can get rather emotional when food is wasted, such as when LeShawna rejects his generous offer for chocolate-covered cherry blossoms by throwing the entire box of them into the lake. Owen cries for the loss.  


Tyler joined Total Drama Island for the wild challenges to test his "skills". He acts as a jock, but in reality stinks at everything. Tyler tries to prove on multiple occasions that he is a competent competitor, but many of these attempts ended in failure, and therefore was not popular among his teammates. During the competition, he has a major crush on Lindsay who is a member of the opposing team. They are found frequently together making out (in the bathrooms or beneath the dock). When Tyler makes out with Lindsay during the Dodgebrawl challenge under the docks (sneaking away from the other campers), Heather drops a canoe on him to show her disapproval.

Tyler with his team in the special.
Tyler with his team in the special.

Tyler is voted off in Phobia Factor for failing to conquer his fear of chickens and lack of skills. In a sick twist, when Tyler boarded the Boat of Losers, it was stocked with cages of chickens. In response, Tyler screams and cries, and Chef is seen driving the boat, laughing. In Playa Des Losers, he and Lindsay resume their relationship, though it seems that Lindsay has forgotten what Tyler looked like. In the special, he teamed up with Owen, DJ and Cody to retrieve the case with one million dollars. His team was the first to retrieve the case (thanks to Tyler finally doing something right after climbing a tree three times to get the case), and Tyler was actually the member of the team who showed the most resistance to giving up the case to opponents. He constantly threatened those who opposed his group that he would "mess them up", but this was always a hollow threat. Tyler and the rest of his team got stuck on the diving board and fell when it broke. DJ and Owen both managed land on a sloped airplane wing and were able to make it to the Dock of Shame and wound up getting on Total Drama Action, but Tyler and Cody both fell into the tub and thus were unable to make it to the dock in time. It is said that Tyler will be watching the action on Total Drama Action from the sidelines, as he is not qualified to compete. 


Mr. Coconut is a prop coconut with red lipstick for a smile and a grass hat. He is a parody of Wilson The Volleyball from the movie Cast Away. In Camp Castaways, he was created by Owen after being separated away from the other campers. He may or may not be able to speak, as only Owen can communicate with him. He later appeared in the next episode, during Chef Hatchet's recap. Chef then slices him open, and milk from inside spills out, "killing" him. Whether he will be mentioned again or recreated is currently unknown.

He is technically the 21st contestant voted off because Chris was freaked out by Owen's relationship with it.  

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