Monster Cash-Total Drama Action Episode 1

Challenge-escape from a mechanical monster controlled by chef

contestant eliminated- no one

The castmates Owen, Gwen, Duncan, Heather, Leshawna, Geoff, Izzy, DJ, Justin, Trent, Bridgette, Lindsay, Beth, and Harold are dropped off by a bus to the set of Total Drama Action. Chris picks them up in a cart and gives them a tour of their new temporary home. It is revealed the losing castmates will walk the "Walk of Shame" (a ratty red carpet) into the "Lame-o-sine". As they are driving around the set, Chris begins to talk about how this was once a set for a monster movie, until the star had some "problems". As it turns out, the star is not an actress, as Lindsay imagines, but a mechanical monster resembling a dinosaur. Chef, wearing a motion-sensitive suit, controls the monster. Chris explains how the first challenge is to race to a set of trailers before the monster can catch them. Everyone races off the cart and hurries toward the trailers with the monster in hot pursuit. One by one, each castmate is deposited into a moon bounce when the monster catches them. Soon, only Owen is left. When Chef finally locates him, the monster attempts to pick him up to put him in the moon bounce. However, Owen is too fat and heavy, and the monster breaks down, leaving Owen to find the trailers. Ten hours later, Owen finds the other castmates and releases them from the moon bounce by pricking it with a needle. Then they go to the second part of the challenge.

Each castmate enters the new mess hall as Chris explains how the teams will be divided into boys versus girls while the castmates see a delicious-looking feast set upon some tables. Owen erupts into a feeding frenzy and eats everything on the table. Chris, annoyed, explains how the food was plastic and the challenge was to find the key hidden inside the "food". Then Owen burps up the key, and wins the challenge for his team. For winning the reward, Owen gets to choose from two trailers where the boys will bunk and where the girls will bunk. As it turns out, one of the trailers had been crushed under the monster's feet during the first challenge, and the guys assume that Owen will choose the unharmed trailer. Instead, Owen chooses the crushed one. The guys start yelling at him until Chef makes the monster (repaired) crush the other trailer as well. Later, the trailers are fixed and the castmates figure out where they'll be sleeping. The boys decide with relative ease, Duncan sharing a bunk with Justin, Harold calls a bunk and Geoff calls the one under his, while Trent and Owen split one, leaving DJ alone. No one wants to share a bunk bed with Heather, so the girls draw makeup brushes (there were no straws) to see who will bunk where. Lindsay and Beth share a bunk, Gwen and Bridgette share, and LeShawna and Izzy share a bunk, leaving Heather with two bunks of her own, and with Gwen saying "Yeah, we really need to work on our math." Later, early in the morning, Chris yells into a megaphone to wake the castmates up, and asks what will happen on the next episode. As the closing line, he says, "McClean out!"

Link to episode: no link yet!

Alien Resurr-eggtion-total Drama Action Episode 2

challenge-find alien eggs

contestant eliminated- double elimination- Bridgette & Geoff

The castmates are eating breakfast while Chris comes in and explains the challenge. Chris says the challenge is to find alien eggs based on the hump science fiction film "Alien Crunch", then bring them back to the trailers. He also says Chef will be playing the role of Mama Alien and will be hunting them. Trent, meanwhile, is having trouble with his relationship with Gwen as she and Duncan happily chat about alien movies. Owen is also having some digestive problems after eating the sawdust and foamcore from the previous challenge. The campers are then sent into a sci-fi set and split into groups. Gwen and Trent partner with Duncan and DJ, while Justin, Lindsay, Beth and LeShawna partner up. Bridgette and Geoff partner up and continue to make out. Heather, Owen, Izzy and Harold are the last being grouped together.

The teams all split and search for the eggs, but they are having much trouble with Bridgette and Geoff making too much noise while making out. Bridgette and Geoff try to partner up with Gwen's team, but Duncan shoos them away (since make out couples usually go first in alien movies). Meanwhile Chef Hatchet dressed as an alien is hunting them with paintball guns filled with green paint (alien slime). Chef begins his attack on one group and Harold is shot and eliminated first. Owen then feels a major amount of gas come up and begs Chef to eliminate him so he can go to the bathroom, to which Chef agrees. Izzy stays behind to hold off Chef while Heather makes a run for it. Chef and Izzy cast aside their little guns and fight with large paint cannons. Though Izzy fights hard, Chef eventually defeats her. Heather is looking around when Chef ambushes and chases her (angry that she put Cocolax in one of his recipes). Heather is shot and her wig falls off and through the holes in the floor. Heather then is upset that her precious wig is lost forever. Geoff and Bridgette meanwhile are so busy making out that they don't notice Chef sneak up on them. They attempt to run, but are easily eliminated. In another part of the set, Justin, Beth, Lindsay and LeShawna wander into a room, where Chef traps them and dumps a truck load of slime on them and eliminates all four of them at once.

Duncan, Gwen, Trent and DJ find the eggs and prepare to make a run for it; but Chef attacks and DJ is shot. Duncan, Gwen and Trent make it out of the room with the eggs, but Chris (playing the role of the military) drops some slime bombs on them. Trent and Gwen take cover, but Duncan is hit and eliminated. Trent then runs for the last surviving egg, but sees Gwen's lucky necklace about to fall in a sewer. After much thought, he saves the necklace just in time (which makes Gwen happy), but Gwen decides to give the necklace to Trent because she thinks it will give him luck, leaving Duncan angrily calling him a girl and Trent giving him a glare. He then gets the the last egg and he and Gwen (who also has an alien egg) win the challenge, which forces he and Gwen to pick their opposing teams.

Chris then says there will be an elimination ceremony and two people will be kicked off (because he's in a two mood. And probably because it's Tuesday). At the elimination ceremony, the castmates cast their votes and voting machines. Bridgette and Geoff are voted off in a double elimination for making out the whole time. They continue to make out as they walk to the Lame-o-sine.

Link to Episode: no link yet!

 Riot on Set- total Drama Action Episode 3

challenge-Set up a film set and perform a skit that would make Chef show emotion.

contestant eliminated- Izzy/Escope

The episode begins with each of the cast mates sleeping in their bunk beds before they are rudely awoke by Chris. They are told that today they'll learn how tough being on set production is. Gwen mentions that she can handle it since she had a job at a petting zoo, which reminds Chris that it's time for Gwen and Trent to pick teams. The choosing starts off with Gwen, going boy then girl. Gwen picks Duncan, much to Trent's dismay. Spitefully, Trent chooses Lindsay. Gwen's next choice is Leshawna and Trent chooses Justin. Gwen chooses DJ and Trent chooses Beth. Gwen, not sure who to pick, is reminded by Leshawna to keep your enemies close and chooses Heather. Trent, unsure who to pick as well, settles for Owen leaving Harold for Gwen's team and Izzy for Trent's. Once the teams are settled, Chris announces that Gwen's team will be known as the Screaming Gaffers and Trent's team the Killer Grips.

They are brought to a lot filled with studio equipment and a trailer and Chris informs them that their first challenge is moving the equipment up a huge hill. The two teams race nearly neck and neck until it was down to the final item, the trailer. Trent asks Owen to help pull the trailer up the hill, convincing him that if he does so he'll get to eat at a catering station which he claims is at the hill's top. They start up the hill, but Owen uses his belt buckle as a way to pull the trailer, causing his falling pants to slow down the Killer Grips. Gwen asks DJ if he could pull the trailer but he refuses, afraid someone might get hurt. His refusal allows the Killer Grips to reach the top first.

At the top of the hill Chris tells them that what they just did was only the first part of the challenge and that they now needed to preform a show for Chef, the winning team being the one that makes him show emotion. The Killer Grips are given a story of an old woman who lived a full life and the Screaming Gaffers a story of a thug who tried to go straight but can't fight the allure of the streets. Izzy immediately offers to play the old woman, claiming she is old in spirit and even the reincarnation of her great grandmother. The Screaming Gaffers choose a reluctant Duncan to play the part of the gangster. During the preparation, Heather (after being helped down from being stuck in a light cable) admits that Harold would be an easy person to string along for an alliance. At the same time, Chef pulls DJ aside and tells him that he will help him man up and win if DJ splits the prize money with him. Once the filming started, it became clear that Chef had mixed up the scripts, leading to an emotional performance by Duncan and a win for the Screaming Gaffers.

At the elimination ceremony, Gilded Chris Award's are given out to everyone but Lindsay, Justin and Izzy, and Chris announces that Izzy has been voted out. After insisting she won't leave since her name is E-Scope, Chris changes her name on the sheet to E-Scope and has two men escort her to the Lame-o-sine (possibly to make sure she goes and doesn't start something). They then toss her into the car and as it drives away, she reminds the others that this was only just a dress rehearsal and that she will return someday as a big star.

Link to episode: no link yet!

Beach blanket bogus-Total Drama Action episode 4

challenge-balence on a surf board, build a sand castle and a dance off!

contestant eliminated- no one

The cast mates are once again getting their breakfast, Trent discovers that Duncan unscrewed the salt and pepper, causing too much salt and pepper to fall on his eggs. Trent tosses it aside (where it lands on Heather) and Gwen helps him clean up some eggs. Meanwhile Lindsay tries to offer Justin bacon while Beth offers him "Facon", but Justin says he's happy with both dishes. Beth is then shown in the confessional making friendship bracelets. Chris then comes in and announces that this weeks genre is a teen surfing movie (which none of the cast mates are familiar with). The two teams will compete in two challenges followed by a possible tie breaker. The first challenge is a surfing contest of who can stay on the board the longest, featuring the return of the sharks. Most of the cast mates fail, but some manage to stay on longer, causing Chef and Chris to bring in heavy special effects to knock them off. Gwen and Justin both manage to stay on the longest, but they are knocked off when Chris fires birds at them. Finally, Duncan gets on the board and is able to simply knock the birds aside, causing Chris to throw equipment and Lindsay at him. However Duncan manages to dodge it all and wins the challenge for his team and Gwen hugs him (which greatly hurts Trent). 

The cast then returns to Total Drama Island to build sand castles. The Gaffers have a great lead due to the half hour early start they won from the surfboard challenge, while the Grips try hard to get a castle going. Meanwhile, Duncan and Gwen slip away and sabotage the bus so they can spend more time on the island (strangely missing the old cabins). Back on the beach, the Grips finally manage to start a castle, but Trent knocks it down while trying to put on a ninth flag. However Beth reminds everyone it's a Prop Building Castle contest, and they use some of Lindsay's magazines to make a paper masche castle and win the challenge. Gwen soon starts to notice that Trent is naming things after her and even constantly using the number nine (which is actually the total number of letters in Gwen and Trent's names). Trent and Gwen then meet up in the woods, where Gwen runs in fear due to Trent's strange behavior about her. When Trent asks what's wrong, Owen says the girl likes to win. 

In Beach Blanket Bogus, Trent becaomes obsessed with the number 9. The final tie breaker starts and is a "Whatoosie-Twist-Mashed Potato-Dorky-Old School" dance off, Trent is chosen to go up against LeShawna (who claims she's been known back home as Leshaken it). Leshawna's performance was considered poor by the rest of her teammates (except Harold), while Trent was getting cheers. However he soon remembers Owen's words and purposely trips on a branch and started writhing on the ground, causing LeShawna and the Gaffers to win the challenge. While the Gaffers are celebrating, Chris asks the losers to return to the bus (until he finds it's broken due to Duncan and Gwen). So he says the Grips have to now watch the Gaffers celebrate, Gwen and Trent meet again later and make up. They are about to kiss, until Owen interrupts them and they throw branches at him. Later the Grips are on the beach shore, where Owen is disposing of the paper masche castle, by eating it. Then Justin tells Beth that he never ]got a friendship bracelet. She then gives him the one she is wearing and says it's a little sweaty, but he says it's nice. Then the two happily smile at each other. However Justin is then shown in the Confessional and says he will do anything to win, he then looks at the bracelet on his wrist and asks whether or not Beth wants an alliance. Chris watching from his control room then says he and Justin are both clever and manipulative and may be related, but then he says he wishes. Justin then tells Chris (from the confessional) that he really doesn't and Chris immediately cuts the transmission. Chris then says to tune in next time, then he gets up and asks who left the two way mike on.

 3:10 to crazytown- Total Drama Action Episode 5

Challenge-Land on Horse from diving board, Quick Draw (canceled), Catch the Cattle.

contestant eliminated-Trent

The cast mates awaken to a hot day when Chris arrives in a cowboy outfit. They then stop at a set to an old western movie, where they are given their first challenge, jump on the back of a horse... from a 700 foot high diving board. Since the Gaffers won last week, Chris lets them go first. Gwen heads up, but chooses to not jump. However she falls off when a sneeze pushes her off the edge. She manages to land on the horse, but has a painful landing as she lands with her legs split on the saddle. As she falls off in pain, Trent rushes to help her, to which she wakes up smiling. Trent volunteers to go next, but misses the horse. Soon all the cast mates take their turns (except Justin who has a modeling right to not). LeShawna and Heather are all that's left to break the tie, they both head up while insulting each other. In anger, LeShawna pushes Heather off and is pulled down herself, but they both land on a roof ornament and hang by their pants. LeShawna falls off, but still misses the horse while Heather is left up on the building hanging.

In order to break the tie, Chris chooses to have the campers have a quick draw showdown. In order to help Gwen win, Trent chooses the easy to hit Owen. However Owen drinks all the water out of the squirt guns, causing Chris to make a new tie breaker. The final challenge is to have the team of cowboys (the Grips) rope the group of cattle (the Gaffers). While the Grips do well at first, Trent gives up in order to let Gwen and her team win. The remaining Gaffers then find some extra rope and rope the Grips, thus winning the challenge. Chris then lets everyone shower before the elimination.

While everyone is showering, Gwen meets with Trent and says she doesn't like him throwing all the challenges for her. With a sad message and a breaking heart, Gwen breaks up with Trent. Justin nearby heard everything and tells his team. Justin and the rest of his team then meet with Gwen and accuse her of putting Trent up to this. While she tries to convince them she didn't, they don't believe her and Justin keeps accusing her of making attempts to get to the final two. In a desperate attempt to convince them, she tells them to vote off Trent. At the elimination, Trent is quickly voted off. He begs to say goodbye to Gwen, but Chris and Chef don't listen and Chef hurls him into the Lameosine. Meanwhile, Chris and Gwen are watching the whole elimination from Chris's viewing room. Gwen asks Chris if he did this to make her feel bad, to which he says yes.

TDA Aftermath- Total Drama action Episode 6


contestant eliminated- no one

After a short montage of Trent and Gwen moments over the course of Total Drama Action, the episode begins with Geoff and Bridgette introducing the new "Total Drama Action Aftermath Show", where the two will dish out everything "Total Drama Action". Geoff introduces himself and Bridgette to the audience, reminding them they were on both Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action, to which Bridgette angrily reminds him that they were voted off for kissing. Although Geoff thinks kissing makes for good television, he says that now they have their own show and are psyched to be here. After a snide remark from Eva, Geoff thanks her for reminding them that she was here and introduces the past season losers: Cody, Noah, Ezekiel, Eva, Katie and Sadie, Courtney (who is busy talking to a guy named Michael about suing the show again) and Tyler.

Bridgette and Geoff tell the viewers that they have messages and texts they'll read from the viewers, and that they'll even have some of the viewers on webcam. The two tell the viewers that they'll have two guests this episode Izzy and Trent. Bridgette mentions how she feels bad for what happened to Trent, while Sadie and Katie agree.

Before introducing Izzy, the two show a video containing various clips of her during the course of the season, finally calling on her to appear. After seeing herself on TV, Izzy walks out to join Geoff and Bridgette on stage and they begin their talk show segment, but before they could ask her questions, she notices her old boyfriend Gram in the audience and mentions how the restraining order put on them put a strain on their long distance relationship. Geoff asks Izzy how it felt to be the first one voted off the show, to which she says she doesn't know and asks him how it felt. Bridgette reminds Geoff that they were first voted off, and Geoff begins to recall the events until he stops, reminding Izzy that he is the one asking the questions. When Bridgette asks how it felt not getting a Gilded Chris Award, Izzy begins to cry while explaining her feelings. Bridgette asks if its that painful to remember, but Izzy says she just can't lie to them due to an implant that shocks her at the first sign of dishonesty. 

Bridgette begins talking about Trent, saying he did not deserve what happened and its because of Gwen he was voted out. After she says this, however, Geoff quickly disagrees and says it wasn't because of her. Bridgette mentions Trent missed out on the prize because of Gwen, and Geoff unknowingly reveals to an watching Trent that Gwen went behind Trent's back to have the Grips vote him off. Trent, watching from the green room backstage is completely shocked and asked if it was a joke. Geoff says sorry and says that even though Gwen asks to vote off Trent, that since he was throwing the challenges he would have been voted out anyway. Bridgette agrees, but says that Gwen stabbed Trent in the back to cover her own butt and Eva thinks they both should pay. Geoff reminds Bridgette of when Trent kissed Heather, but Bridgette says that Heather tricked him into kissing her. Geoff says that he hardly needed to be tricked into kissing the hottest girl on the show, much to Bridgette (and the rest of the girls) disgust. The two get into a fight over this, but Izzy steps in showing them a trick with her eyelids to stop the fight. It's too late, however, and Bridgette says they should take a break. The show goes to commercial, the first one being for that of Chef's Roadkill Cafe.

Trent joins them on stage and begin to answer their questions. Bridgette asks what happened and Trent replies honestly that things were fine until they were split up and that once Gwen and Duncan were hanging out things got rocky. Courtney, watching on the sidelines, sneers at the mention of Duncan with Gwen. The next topic is of Trent's strange obsession with the number nine. Geoff and Bridgette show the clip of Duncan telling Gwen that their names together make nine, but Trent is upset and says thats not true. He recalls that the real reason is because when he was a kid his grand father gave him a toy train. Right before he died it lost a wheel and only had nine, and his mom said nine was now his lucky number. This story makes Sadie, Katie and Courtney change 'teams'.

After a quick e-mail they check in on their webcams, their first guest being a girl named Ginger. Ginger asks Trent to go crazy over her before being cut off. The next guest is Steve the Yeti, a yeti, who says Chris Mclean is the best host ever and asks how the two got a show. He is interrupted by Chef calling out to him about taking a hot tub together as well as addressing him as Chris, and joins the yeti on camera to tell the audience not trust anything Izzy says. Finally, Geoff gets a call from someone saying that both Gwen and Trent stink and she is on Team Eva, after which they notice that it was Eva making the call. 

The final segment of the show is called 'That's going to leave a mark', which shows various unseen scenes of castmates being hurt by different objects (Duncan being hit with a light, Chef slipping, etc.). After the clip, Trent asks if he can sing a song he wrote after Gwen and himself broke up. As he sings, the entire cast (except Noah) begin to look on with sadness and Geoff and Bridgette look at each other before sharing an embrace. Geoff apologizes to Bridgette and the two begin to make out as the show comes to a close, Bridgette says they'll be here all season and Geoff says to check in next time for Total Drama Action. The episode ends with the two making out as the intern sweeps the floor and the lights turn out.  

Also other pictures from tda and elimination

Elimination so far:

episode 1-no one

episode 2-Bridgette & Geoff

episode 3-izzy/escope

episode 4-no one

episode 5-Trent

episode 6-no one

episode 7- UNKNOWN

 The Lame O sine, the boat of losers couter part

 The Gilded chris award, marsmellow counter part

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